
My name is Lucky. This is a place for me to have a personal website and learn a little bit of HTML.

I got my theme from Repth and most of these graphics from Bonnibel's Graphics


Eggramen's Layouts - A great collection of website layouts/themes with different purposes.

Repth's Layouts - Another great resource with quite a lot of different layouts/themes to choose from! Most are very cute and good for blogging. I got my theme from here!

Sadness' Webmastery Page - Huuuge collection of resources for making your own website, including themes, fonts, tiled backgrounds, and much more!

W3schools - Tutorials for HTML and CSS.

HTML Cheatsheet - Cheatsheet for HTML!

CSS Cheatsheet - Cheatsheet for CSS!

Cursors 4 U - Large collection of customized cursors.

VHSearch - Neocities search engine.

I Love Img - Compress GIFs.

88x31 Button Maker.

Cool Text Generator.

Petpet Gif Generator - Neocities search engine.

Photopea - In-browser Photoshop clone.

Jummbox - In-browser chiptune maker.

Image to Colors Palette Generator.

Writing Exercises - Writing prompt generators.

Pixilart - What I personally use for pixel art. Better on mobile imo, but can't export animations/gifs with a transparent background, to my knowledge.

Piskel - What I use to export transparent gifs.

Ichigo Directory - Cinni's constellation of links to other sites which provide graphics, dolls, and web materials. There is a particular focus on cuteness and pixel art.

Bonnibel's Graphics Collection - A large, organized collection of cute gifs and graphics for your neocities website! Unfortunately, most graphics on this site are completely unsourced.

Visual Novel Database - What it says on the tin. Has a pretty organized tagging system, so you can find more of stuff you like and avoid stuff you don't.

Amelie Doree - My favorite Youtuber. She makes videos on old visual novels and even the history of the industry. I like her videos a bunch :3

Asenheim Project - Play classic VNs in your browser!

Fate/Stay Night - Play Fate/Stay Night in your browser!

Tsukihime - Play Tsukihime in your browser!

Feelings Wheel - If you struggle to identify and label your emotions

Goblin Tools - An array of ai tools that might be particularly helpful for neurodivergent people.

You Feel Like Shit and Don't Know Why - An interactive flowchart for when you feel awful and can't figure out why.

Wordle - Guess a five letter word in six tries!

Metazooa - Like Wordle but for the animal kingdom.

Word Golf - Word association speedrun.

Inspirograph - Make spirographs online!

Cornflake Dimension - Haha, I like you! Puts you in a bag of cornflakes.

Neal.Fun - A collection of games and experiences by Neal. Hours of fun!

The Powder Game - Physics simulator.

Squirdle - Pokemon Wordle.

Enchant Wordle - Magic The Gathering Wordle.

Page Changelog

(3/4) Added some stuff to Webmastery and Fun.

(2/29) Added E-Resources and Create Something categories.

(2/23) Added Mental Health and Fun categories.

(2/21) Added Visual Novel category.

(4/27) Added Eggramen's Templates, Nepth's Themes, Bonnibel's Graphics Collection, Sadness' Webmastery Page, and W3schools to Neocities tab.

(4/26) Created page.


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